Colored Concrete

Thinking About Pouring Colored Concrete?

Pouring colored concrete, such as the red concrete used on Van Ness Avenue, involves several important steps and considerations to ensure a high-quality finish. Here's a guide to help you through the process.

Steps for Pouring Colored Concrete

  1. Preparation and Planning:

    • Site Preparation: Ensure the site is properly graded and compacted. All forms should be in place and secured.

    • Mix Design: Work with Bauman Redi-Mix to determine the right color and mix design for your project. We offer a range of pigments and can help tailor the mix to achieve the desired color and performance characteristics.

  2. Batching and Mixing:

    • Pigment Addition: Add the Solomon Colors’ pigment to the concrete mix. You can bypass this step if you’re pouring with us because we ensure the pigment is thoroughly mixed to achieve a consistent color.

    • Consistency: Maintain a consistent water-cement ratio to ensure uniform color. Variations in water content can lead to color inconsistencies.

  3. Placing the Concrete:

    • Pouring: Begin pouring the concrete as close to its final position as possible to minimize movement. Use appropriate methods to avoid segregation of the mix.

    • Consolidation: Use vibrators to remove air pockets and ensure proper consolidation. This helps in achieving a uniform color and finish.

  4. Finishing:

    • Initial Finishing: Once the concrete is placed, perform initial finishing with a screed and bull float. Avoid overworking the surface, as this can bring too much water to the surface and alter the color.

    • Edging and Jointing: Use edgers and groovers to create clean edges and joints. Make sure these tools are clean to prevent streaking.

  5. Texturing and Final Finishing:

    • Texture Application: Apply any desired textures, such as broom finishes, stamps, or other decorative finishes. Ensure consistent technique across the surface to maintain uniformity.

    • Final Troweling: For a smooth finish, use steel trowels. Be cautious not to over-trowel, which can darken the surface and cause burn marks.

  6. Curing:

    • Curing Compound: Apply a curing compound suitable for colored concrete to prevent rapid moisture loss and ensure even curing. Solomon Colors offers curing compounds that can complement their pigments.

    • Protect from Elements: Protect the fresh concrete from weather conditions like rain, wind, and extreme temperatures, which can affect the curing process and color consistency.

  7. Sealing:

    • Sealant Application: After the concrete has cured, apply a sealer to enhance the color and protect the surface. Solomon Colors provides sealers designed for colored concrete that help in maintaining the appearance over time.

Tips for Success

  • Mock-ups: Create a mock-up panel to visualize the final color and finish. This helps set expectations and serves as a reference throughout the project.

  • Consistent Batching: Ensure consistent batching procedures to avoid color variations. This includes accurate pigment measurement and consistent mixing times.

  • Communication: Maintain clear communication with all team members, including your ready-mix supplier, to ensure everyone understands the specific requirements for colored concrete.

By following these steps and leveraging the expertise from Bauman Redi-Mix and products from Solomon Colors, you can achieve a beautiful, durable colored concrete finish like the red concrete on Van Ness Avenue or sparked grey concrete on Haight Street.

Proud Solomon Colors’ Supplier

Note: The larger the percentage loading of any color, the price is multiplied. The larger the loading, the more prevalent the concrete color becomes.